These services are targeted at end-user industries in the government, healthcare, manufacturing, telecom, banking, and retail spaces, and are 100% provided by US-based resources. A VA-certified Veteran-Owned Small Business, Solviturum employs mostly prior-service military consultants, many of whom maintain active security clearances for our federal practice. Our infrastructure specialists help you create, run and manage the next-generation IT Infrastructure.
In addition, we can also help you:
We offer an extensive portfolio of Managed IT infrastructure services that combine flexibility, reliability and responsiveness to deliver tremendous value and efficiency to your business. Our services include:
We support the remote management of IT infrastructure Services for all our clients. Our Remote Infrastructure Management (RIM) solutions not only include a faster and more flexible service, but also ensure a lower risk of IT failure. We also enable a low up-front investment and reduced operational costs.
IT does not exist merely on its technical merit. Its purpose is to solve business challenges and to make the work lives of end-users more productive and rewarding. We execute a five-stage methodology to produce an optimized infrastructure for our clients that include assessment, optimization, monitoring, reporting and continuous management phases. This methodology is proven to provide meaningful benefit to our customers while consuming the least possible temporal, financial, and human resources.
Consultants with deep and broad experience providing information security, network engineering, systems administration, and vCIO services for more than 23 years.
456 North Meridian Street
Suite X, Box 441243
Indianapolis, IN 46204